Looking Forward To EMF Camp: Teasing Us With A Schedule

As we gear up for a summer in the field, or more accurately in a series of fields, it’s time to turn our attention towards Eastnor Castle in the Western English county of Herefordshire, venue for the upcoming Electromagnetic Field hacker camp. Sadly we’ve got no badge to tease you with, but they’ve released a list of the talks that will fill their schedule. There are so many to choose from, we can only mention a few in this article.

We’ll certainly be taking the time to watch [Russell Couper] describe his electric motorcycle project. He’s no stranger to unusual bike builds, having given us a diesel machine at EMF 2016. Then of course there’s our own [Dave Rountree], who will be hacking the radio spectrum with GNU Radio. Sure to be an interesting talk.

One feature of this camp we’re very interested in will be CuTEL, a wired copper telephone network on the field. We’ll be taking along our trusty GPO 746 to be part of it of course, but for those without one, there’s [Matthew Harrold]’s talk on building a copper telephone network in a field.

Our cursory scan of the list finishes up with [Alistair MacDonald] on how not to start a hackerspace. We’ve seen our fair share of hackerspace drama over the years, so whether this one causes pain for ex-hackerspace-directors or not, it promises to be informative for anyone in the hackerspace world.

At the time of writing there are still some EMF tickets for sale, so if the beginning of your June is free we can heartily recommend it. To get a flavour of the event, read our 2018 review.

Looking Forward To EMF Camp: Teasing Us With A Schedule
Source: Manila Flash Report

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