If you have been for (or against) Rust in the Linux kernel, get ready for a Linux kernel module written in… Scratch. That’s right. Scratch, the MIT-developed language with blocks popular for teaching kids to code. We didn’t mean “from scratch.” We meant IN Scratch. The bootstrap code and Makefile is out there on GitHub.
Of course, it is a simple module and the reason it is possible is because of the scratchnative system that lets you compile Scratch into C code. If you want to look at the decidedly simple code, you can open it in your browser.
We don’t t think anyone is seriously suggesting you start doing this kind of development in Scratch, but it is sort of amazing that you can do it at all.
Not really more practical, but we’ve also seen what claims to be an entire operating system written in Scratch. Honestly, we aren’t fluent enough with Scratch to understand what it really does but the code looks like it is just throwing some characters on the screen using memory access.
We wondered what sort of things people would build with Scratch 3.0. Now we know. Of course, our favorite Scratch application was flying our cheap drone.
Need a Linux Kernel Module? Scratch That
Source: Manila Flash Report